American Advertising Associates

Call Now 417-252-4115

Call Now 417-252-4115

Restaurant Manager's

  You are here because our team researched you and determined through several channels your customers LOVE you and highly recommend you to others, we would like to reward your hard work for serving your community well.

We would like to provide you with our high quality drinkware for 2 Years at a time at no charge to you.  Utilizing table place cards we provide, your customers are linked straight to our team.  No selling or tedious paperwork is required by your restaurant.  Our most common shipment is 144 coffee cups or pint glasses depending on your individual restaurant needs.  The hardest thing you have to do is pick an ink color!  Click the button below to speak to a representative or schedule a call best suited for your time

We have a variety of cup and ink colors available depending on current stock and availability.

Restaurant Manager

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